{"id":779,"date":"2017-11-10T13:27:41","date_gmt":"2017-11-10T13:27:41","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.boldbarber.com\/?p=779"},"modified":"2019-12-02T12:28:55","modified_gmt":"2019-12-02T12:28:55","slug":"choose-hair-salon-name","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.boldbarber.com\/choose-hair-salon-name\/","title":{"rendered":"How to Choose a Name for Your Hair Salon"},"content":{"rendered":"

Opening your own hair salon should be an exhilarating experience. But, before you hit the ground running, you will have to deal with some small, practical matters. One of these is choosing a name that will be good for your business. If this choice has you flummoxed, then never fear. In this article, we tell you everything you need to select a unique, appropriate, and eye-catching name. Follow these simple rules and watch the clients and money roll in!<\/p>\n

1. Generate some ideas<\/h3>\n

How can you generate ideas for a name for your hair business? Ideally, you will be able to come up with a list of candidates by simply sitting down and brainstorming but, sometimes, it is not that simple.<\/p>\n

Often ideas will come to you out of nowhere and at the unlikeliest of times. Many people have their best ideas in the shower, in the bathroom, at the store, and so on. Make sure that you have a place to record any ideas that come to you out of the blue. Carrying a small notebook with you is a great way to jot down any possible ideas. Also, try asking your friends and family for any salon name ideas they might have. If you are a very visual person, try drawing the logo for the business first. This might help you come up with a fitting name.<\/p>\n

Another way to kickstart the brainstorming is to assume that your name, location, or the services provided will make up part of the name. Using those facts as a starting point might help you create something catchy and memorable.<\/p>\n

The bottom line is to do whatever you can to generate ideas for a salon name. Generate as many as candidates as possible. That will make you more likely to find a winner amongst all the chaff.<\/p>\n

2. Make it memorable<\/h3>\n

Give your beauty salon a striking name. But also make sure that it is easy to remember AND fits the skills and services offered by your business.<\/p>\n

This is a delicate balance to achieve. You do not want your clients confusing you with half a dozen other salons out there, so you want something unique. You also do not want something so unique that it is hard to remember. Try not to choose something with an awkward spelling that will be difficult to locate in the phonebook or online.<\/p>\n

3. Keep it short and sweet<\/h3>\n

Along the same vein, choose a name for your beauty salon that is quick, catchy, and rolls off the tongue. After all, word of mouth is the best way to spread the news about your business.<\/p>\n

You do not want to pick something that is a mouthful or that is so obscure that people will easily forget it.<\/p>\n
