For many people, hair washing is as ordinary activity as morning or evening shower, and many people cannot imagine the beginning or the end of their working day without this procedure. Others believe that it is the right way to take care of the hair, while others stay with their opinion that too frequent hair washing makes them weaker and more brittle. Of course, this opinion is justified because some experts argue that too frequent hair washing causes the sebaceous glands to work more actively, making the hair greasy and dim. So, what is the true? How often we should wash our hair?
Wash your hair as often as necessary because the hair washing schedule should be drawn up for each individual by itself. If you love very clean hair, wash them every day. If you style your hair and do not need perfect purity, you can wash them once a 3-4 days. Of course, taking a shower every day, it is inconvenient to hide your hair every time to not to moisten them, but they should not be washed if there is not such a necessity as well.
In order to not to damage your hair in ordinary and not so frequent washing, it is worth to follow a few rules. Firstly, you have to carefully choose a shampoo, which must comply with your hair type. Remember that for ordinary washing shampoos for oily hair should not be used, as they can dry out the hair. Shampoos like these are quite aggressive and they should not be used more than 2 times a week. If you wash your hair every day, coat a shampoo only on the hair roots because hair ends need a small amount of shampoo or even the soapy water that drains from the scalp.
When washing your hair every day, it is recommended to use balsams and masks because they will protect your hair from the influence of external factors and will feed them throughout their length. Balms and masks also neutralize effects of hard water on the hair, which can cause a hair drying during a period of time.
Water that is used for hair washing should be warm or even a little bit cool. The hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands, which make the hair dim faster. An analogous effect occurs when using a hot dryer.
Although doctors and experts do not give specific, detailed recommendations for scalp care and washing, it is said that everyday hair washing is necessary only for the oily hair, but normal hair should not be washed more often than every 2-3 days.