The Hair – a Reflection of Your Lifestyle

Shops are full of many different hair products, but they help to improve hair appearance, not the cause of problem. When the body is running out of something, the hair become thinner, drier, and brittler, therefore the deterioration of hair condition is a serious signal that points to health problems. With daily diet, containing different nutrients, we firstly supply the vital organs, but the hair get what is left over. For example, if we start some diet, and after a couple of months your hair starts to fall out, the diet should be stopped. In this case, products with proteins,…

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How to Prevent Split Hair Ends

Split hair ends is common problem for many women. If you want to know how to treat your hair in order to prevent split hair ends, keep reading. Split hair ends look unhealthy, thin and give the impression that hair have stopped to grow. If you want to grow long hair, cutting of split hair ends may be a difficult, but necessary step. If you will cut your hair ends time by time, they will look better. So, what to do to prevent split hair ends? 1. Regular hair cutting. Hair should be cut every two to three months. Do…

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Hair Care in Winter

Probably, a lot of women have observed that in autumns and winters hair become disobedient and difficult to treat. Because of wind, frost, water, and other factors hair lose its sheen and natural balance of moisture, and become dry and brittle. In autumns and winters it is important to provide the balance of hair moisture. For daily hair care, choose a shampoo, conditioner, and mask that suits to your hair type. In addition you can use other products that moisturise you hair, protects them, and helps to maintain the sheen, for example, oils, serums, fluids, etc. If the condition of…

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15 Tips for Care of Long Hair

Increasingly, women and girls wish to grow long or middle long hair. However, it requires patience, attention and special care. What to take into account if you want to grow long hair or if you already have long hair? 1. Long hair cannot be treated with the same products throughout hair length because the roots usually are healthy and slightly oily, but the hair ends are more dry and brittle, therefore the roots and the ends require different products; 2. Balms, mousses and caring masks have to be used only on problematic areas; 3. If your hair ends splits and…

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How to Take Care of Your Hair in the Summer?

Remember that the hair should be carefully nurtured in both winter and summer. It is important to find the hair products that are appropriate to your hair type and structure. For daily care in both winter and summer it is necessary to find some appropriate shampoo and balm or conditioner, but for intensive care (about once every one or two weeks) – masks with healing, rejuvenating, and cleansing effect, natural oils, vitamins, and mineral ampoules. Also special vitamins and minerals that promote hair growth are recommended. What is needed to revitalize damaged hair, for example, in the summer after intensive…

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